Epstein Brown LLP
641 Davis Drive
Suite 201
L3Y 2R2
Tel: 905-898-2266
Fax: 905-898-2216
Toll Free: 866-463-2266
Email: info@epsteinbrown.com
Web: http://www.epsteinbrown.com
Central Newmarket Law Firm, directly across from Southlakes Regional Hospital, specializing in all aspects of Family Law, as well as, Real Estate, Wills & Estates and all forms of Litigation. We accept Legal Aid and offer a free initial half-hour consultation with one of our lawyers. Evening and weekend appointments available upon request.
Business Hours
Mon : 9-5
Tues : 9-5
Wed : 9-5
Thurs : 9-5
Fri : 9-5
Sat : by appointment
Sun : by appointment
We Accept

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